The first IPPC workshop at IROS 2023 was a success (pictures)!

12 Oct 2023

The first IPPC workshop on “Integrated Perception, Planning, and Control for Physically and Contextually-Aware Robot Autonomy” at the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2023) in Detroit, USA was a success! The workshop took place on the 1st of October 2023, Sunday.

Here are some highlights:

  • We had fantastic invited speakers: Kostas Alexis, Efi Psomopoulou, Georgia Chalvatzaki, Changhyun Choi, Coline Devin, Hyeonbeom Lee, and Roberto Martin-Martin.
  • Two early career researchers, Peter Karkus and Rohan Chandra, received the MoMa PhD Talk Award (kindly sponsored by IEEE RAS Technical Committee on Mobile Manipulation) and SNU PhD Talk Award (kindly sponsored by Seoul National University Research Center for Advanced Unmanned Vehicles) respectively.
  • Parker Ewen received the EAISI Best Poster Presentation Award (kindly sponsored by TU/e Eindhoven AI Systems Institute).
  • We had a fantastic audience too and great poster presentations!

The workshop website ( will be updated soon to include a video of the keynote presentations.

The organisers: Omur Arslan, Nikolay Atanasov, Mehmet Dogar, H. Jin Kim and Rafael Papallas.